When's God Gonna Call Me Back?
By Marge Fenelon
Too many people who claim to be Catholic are simply "going through the motions." They brush up against the Church in what might be described as episodic ways, best symbolized by attendance that is limited to Christmas, Easter, weddings, or funerals.
What can be done to encourage such "part-timers" to reestablish the lines of communication with their parish, thereby becoming more fully alive in the faith without adding to the guilt they may already be feeling?
This inspirational book features over 30 real life stories, reflections, Scripture passages, and discussion questions. They combine to establish a channel that will enable lapsed Catholics return to rich, active religious participation.
Now those who let their Catholicism cool can realize that they are not alone, and that reigniting the embers of their faith and their love for the Church is possible.