The Divine Adventure:
St. Teresa of Avila's Journeys and Foundations
Tomás Alvarez, OCD
Fernando Domingo, OCD
with an Introduction by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD
Translated by Christopher O'Mahony
with additional translation and adaptation
by Patricia Lynn Morrison
With lively details, Teresa recounts her travels and the events and people connected with them in her classic book, The Foundations. The Divine Adventure, produced to celebrate St. Teresa’s 500th birthday in 2015, is a fascinating armchair pilgrimage to each of these foundations and more, in full color.
Filled with hundreds of color photographs, maps, charts and historic artwork, this unique book lets the reader walk with Teresa and see the places touched by her life and holiness. Visit some of Spain’s most breathtaking sites and also get a rare glimpse into the cloistered monasteries she founded, still extant today.